05 May 2014

WCGS April Meeting and Upcoming Events

By Pamela Pattison Lash

Co-VP Pat Goebel has a message of interest for those who wish to attend the May and June meetings of the Williams County Genealogical Society. Here's what Pat has to report:

The Williams County Genealogical Society held their April meeting in the Harmon Room of the West Annex to the Bryan Public Library. The guest speaker was Amanda Wells-Blackman. Amanda gave an outstanding presentation about how to identify the era in which a picture was taken. She gave a very informative handout to follow while she shared photos and deciphered how to identify the era. Her method is first identify the type of photograph, then date the photographer’s years of operation, if name is noted, and then identify and date the fashions in the photographs. Members had an opportunity to try and date several photos using the method above.

The May meeting will be held the THIRD Monday of the month, May 19, 2014, 6:30pm in the Harmon Room. The guest speakers are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells. They will be talking and sharing photos of cemeteries their society has repaired and uprighted. They will share before and after photos of cemeteries that have improved.

BANQUET:  The 31st Annual Banquet will be held on the June 16, 2014 the Bryan Moose Lodge, Bryan, Ohio at 6:30 pm. Reservations must be made by Wednesday, June 11, 2014 with Jane Huffman, 419-636-6734, Local History and Genealogy Annex extension. The cost is $18 per person. The menu is Baked Swiss Steak, Lasagna, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Peas, Tossed Salad, Spice Cake, Brownies, and Beverage.

The guest speaker is Eric Rotsinger. He has been portraying Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) as a first person living historian for over 10 years. He is an actual relative of Twain’s. Eric truly brings this historic author and personality to life!

The purpose of WCGS is the preservation of county records and family research.  Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, excluding July and August, at 6:30pm, in the conference room of the West Annex of the Bryan Public Library. The public is invited for all the meetings.

For further information concerning WCGS, visit the Website at www.wcgs-ogs.com or write to WCGS, P.O. Box 293, Bryan Ohio 43506.