28 February 2015

WCGS February 2015 Meeting and Info on March Gathering

By Pamela Pattison Lash

VP Mary Alice Roth of the Williams County Genealogical Society has a report on the last WCGS meeting and what's coming up in March.  Here's what Mary Alice has to say:

The Williams County Genealogical Society held the last meeting on Monday, February 9, 2015.  President Pat Goebel gave a presentation on Citing Your Sources.....Where Did I Find This?  This was designed to show the many ways necessary to cite your family information.  Citing is a way to record where the information was found to prove it's valid.  It also will provide yourself or others the way to get back to the same information for further research.

     Pat discussed acknowledging other people's works and opinions through the proper way to cite what was found in books, newspapers, publications, articles in magazines and journals.  Photographs need the photographer (if known), name of person, date (if known), if it's a photocopy or original and if you hold the original photograph in your private collection.  Always use pencil to write on anything so ink doesn't bleed through or onto other photographs.

     Any information like maps, correspondence, bible records, deeds, birth and death certificates, census or online findings should be recorded in the same way.

     Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 9, 2015 at 6:30pm.  Kent Juillard, from the Stryker area, will be speaking about his grandfather, Mathias Thurston, a Civil War veteran.  He will share the many interesting details that are in his possession.

     The purpose of the WCGS is preservation of county records and family research.  Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, excluding July and August, at 6:30pm, in the conference room of the West Annex of the Bryan Public Library.  The public is invited to attend all meetings.

     For further information concerning the WCGS, visit the Website at www.wcgs-ogs.com or write to the WCGS, P.O. Box 293, Bryan, Ohio 43506.

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