24 April 2015

WCGS April 2015 Meeting and Special May Workshop

By Pamela Pattison Lash

Here's a report on WCGS April meeting and the special workshop in May from VP Mary Alice Roth:

     The Williams County Genealogical Society held their meeting on Monday, April 13, 2015.  The speaker was First Families Chairman Kim Smith.  She gave a powerpoint presentation on all the steps needed to become a member of the First Families of Williams County.  The applicant must be a member in good standing of the Williams Co. Genealogical Society,  there must be original documents, if available, of birth certificates, marriage records, divorce records (if Applicable) of yourself, your parents, grandparents and ancestors, of the same name, who were settled in Williams County, Ohio on or before December 31, 1860. Some of these records may be found in an adjoining county to where you think it should be.

     Many genealogical organization sites on the Internet are acceptable but must be fully cited as well as the URL citation along with a copy of the original document, if available.

     There are many requirements to be submitted but it's well worth it for you and your ancestors to be honored at the Annual Banquet in June.  So, start now by coming to our meetings to find out more about collecting documentation for next year.  Maybe a summer trip could include going to places where you may find information.

     Don't forget our Spring Workshop on Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the West Annex of the Bryan Public Library in Bryan, Ohio.  Amanda Wells Blackman from Indiana will be returning to present a program on how to date photos by type of photo, clothing and jewelry worn, hair style, medals worn and props used by the photographer.  Bring a photo of an ancestor at be identified after the formal presentation.  You must register with Jane at the library 419-636-6734 by Wednesday, May 6, 2015.  There will be a $5.00 registration fee.  Pizza and coffee will be provided for lunch or you may bring your own lunch and beverage.

     The purpose of the WCGS is preservation of county records and family research.  Monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, excluding July and August, at 6:30pm, in the conference room of the West Annex of the Bryan Public Library.  The public is invited to attend all meetings.  For further information concerning the WCGS, visit the Website at www.wcgs-ogs.com or write the WCGS, P.O. Box 293, Bryan, Ohio 43506.

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